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Dear visitor, welcome to Trucksimulator24 - Die freundliche Trucksimulator Community rund um den Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Trucksimulator, German Truck Simulator, 18 Wheels of Steel Reihe, Extreme Trucker und den ZModeler.. If this is your first visit here, please read the Help. It explains in detail how this page works. To use all features of this page, you should consider registering. Please use the registration form, to register here or read more information about the registration process. If you are already registered, please login here.



  • "Papa77" is male

Posts: 641

Location: Wohnort

wcf.user.option.userOption105: Win 64bit

wcf.user.option.userOption107: ETS 2 + fast alle DLC / ATS + fast alle DLC

wcf.user.option.userOption106: aktuelle Version

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Saturday, May 27th 2017, 1:27am

Schöne arbeit steini :thumbsup: :sdanke: :sdafuer:

Meine W.o.T. Page
Grüße Papa

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  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Saturday, May 27th 2017, 10:19pm

Danke, Papa77! ;)

TNT - Elstera AS (EST)

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  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 11:56pm

ТИС-Групп ООО (TIS-Group Ltd.) (RUS)

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boxcar, fluckinger0, Gordon Gekko, joepapa, Papa77, ReMo, Roadhunter, theBLUETO



  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Friday, June 2nd 2017, 1:03pm

A.W. Jenkinson Forest Products Ltd. (GB)

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dschirio... :)

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boxcar, fluckinger0, Gordon Gekko, joepapa, Papa77, ReMo, Roadhunter, soro63



  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Wednesday, June 7th 2017, 11:10pm

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boxcar, fluckinger0, Gordon Gekko, joepapa, Papa77, ReMo, Roadhunter, Sandra-Marion



  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Friday, June 9th 2017, 4:17pm

Auto Ehrig KG (D)

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boxcar, fluckinger0, Gordon Gekko, Papa77, ReMo, Roadhunter



  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Thursday, June 15th 2017, 6:42pm

«Монополия» ООО (Monopoly Ltd.) (RUS)

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boxcar, fluckinger0, Gordon Gekko, joepapa, Papa77, Roadhunter



  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Sunday, June 18th 2017, 8:29pm

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boxcar, fluckinger0, Gordon Gekko, joepapa, Papa77, ReMo, Roadhunter



  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

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Saturday, September 16th 2017, 2:00pm

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boxcar, DGO, Gordon Gekko, Papa77, Roadhunter



  • "Steini" started this thread

Posts: 766

wcf.user.option.userOption107: which game?

Thanks: 11400

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Sunday, February 4th 2018, 12:14pm

Der Versuch ein paar realistische Begleitfahrzeuge zu gestalten bei

Scandinavian Express - Pilot (PL)

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