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ETS schmiert ab -.-

Antworten im Thema: 16 » Der letzte Beitrag (4. April 2012, 22:44) ist von fsimon.

Lieber Besucher, herzlich willkommen bei: Trucksimulator24 - Die freundliche Trucksimulator Community rund um den Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Trucksimulator, German Truck Simulator, 18 Wheels of Steel Reihe, Extreme Trucker und den ZModeler.. Falls dies Ihr erster Besuch auf dieser Seite ist, lesen Sie sich bitte die Hilfe durch. Dort wird Ihnen die Bedienung dieser Seite näher erläutert. Darüber hinaus sollten Sie sich registrieren, um alle Funktionen dieser Seite nutzen zu können. Benutzen Sie das Registrierungsformular, um sich zu registrieren oder informieren Sie sich ausführlich über den Registrierungsvorgang. Falls Sie sich bereits zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt registriert haben, können Sie sich hier anmelden.



  • »Köcki« ist männlich
  • »Köcki« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 80

Wohnort: Würzburg

Danksagungen: 88

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Sonntag, 1. April 2012, 18:12

ETS schmiert ab -.-

Also habe ja jetzt nen anderen PC. Habe mir den Euro Truck Simulator unter Programme ( den ordner ) einfach auf mein anderen PC gezogen. ( Ich weiß blöde idee, doch mir bleibt nichts anderes, habe keine Installations CD mehr)
Jetzt schmiert das ETS alle paar minuten einfach ab. Geht einfach zu ohne Fehlermeldung o.Ä.
Hier mal die log.

Spoiler Spoiler

******** : log created on : Sunday April 01 2012 @ 17:51:05
17:51:05 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows XP (version 5.1) / Service Pack 3
17:51:05 : [sys] DirectX version :
17:51:05 : [cpu] GenuineIntel [ Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz] at ~3458MHz.
17:51:05 : [cpu] Features utilized: fpu cmov mmx sse sse2.
17:51:05 : [sys] using QPC / ACPI (PM Clock) timer (thread affinity: 0), frequency 3579545Hz
17:51:05 : physical memory detected (2096624K/1502504K)
17:51:05 : virtual memory detected (2097024K/2061308K)
17:51:05 : Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
17:51:05 : [zipfs] base.scs: mounted ok, 9452 entries [crc_0x89e9427f]
17:51:05 : [ufs] registered symlink from /custom_build/de_de to /
17:51:05 : [zipfs] <mem-addr-file>: mounted ok, 11 entries [crc_0xe4636951]
17:51:05 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator'.
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Anzeige actros.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Anzeige actros.scs: mounted ok, 3 entries [crc_0x75fe3488]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs: mounted ok, 43 entries [crc_0xfe919d0d]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flarepack_by_Samson_with_one_LED.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flarepack_by_Samson_with_one_LED.scs: mounted ok, 130 entries [crc_0xdd29eef2]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0xf2938c85]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/int_l.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/int_l.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0x1a333a8e]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs: mounted ok, 91 entries [crc_0x36637fa7]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs: mounted ok, 2 entries [crc_0xa3233350]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs: mounted ok, 261 entries [crc_0xc4845475]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs: mounted ok, 10948 entries [crc_0xaa9b9489]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/MST-DD-00-MB-Axor-ll-1836-LS-MTG.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/MST-DD-00-MB-Axor-ll-1836-LS-MTG.scs: mounted ok, 79 entries [crc_0x29d41e6b]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Schmitz Trio Trans.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Schmitz Trio Trans.scs: mounted ok, 46 entries [crc_0x50dac6fa]
17:51:05 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs
17:51:05 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs: mounted ok, 198 entries [crc_0x634f459f]
17:51:05 : exec /home/config.cfg
17:51:05 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
17:51:05 : uset g_minicon "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_console "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_trackir "1"
17:51:05 : uset g_developer "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_save_idx "1"
17:51:05 : uset g_mouse_control "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_steering_func_param "0.3"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_brake_dz "0.0"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_brake "1"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_ff_gain "1.0"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle_dz "0.0"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle "5"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_ff "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_combine "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_sens "0.61"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_dz "0.0"
17:51:05 : uset g_joy_axis_steer "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_tutorial "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_job_sort "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_gauges "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_mirrors "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_fatigue "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_police "1"
17:51:05 : uset g_subtitles "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_quality "1"
17:51:05 : uset g_reflection "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_atrans "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
17:51:05 : uset g_lang "de_de"
17:51:05 : uset g_colbox "0"
17:51:05 : uset r_gamma "1.0"
17:51:05 : uset r_path "21"
17:51:05 : uset r_msaa "4"
17:51:05 : uset r_fullscreen "0"
17:51:05 : uset r_mode "1280x768x32x0"
17:51:05 : uset r_device "dx9"
17:51:05 : uset r_driver "dx9"
17:51:05 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_fps "0"
17:51:05 : uset ds8_mix_channels "2"
17:51:05 : uset ds8_mix_depth "16"
17:51:05 : uset ds8_mix_rate "44100"
17:51:05 : uset ds8_reverse_stereo "0"
17:51:05 : uset s_acceleration "0"
17:51:05 : uset s_mix_channels "2"
17:51:05 : uset s_mix_depth "16"
17:51:05 : uset s_mix_rate "44100"
17:51:05 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
17:51:05 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
17:51:05 : uset s_sfx_volume "0.55"
17:51:05 : uset s_music_volume "0"
17:51:05 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
17:51:05 : uset s_device "ds8"
17:51:05 : uset r_vsync "1"
17:51:05 : uset r_quirks "0"
17:51:05 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.2"
17:51:05 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
17:51:05 : uset i_force_gain "1.0"
17:51:05 : uset i_feedback "1"
17:51:05 : uset i_joystick2 "-1"
17:51:05 : uset i_joystick1 "0"
17:51:05 : uset i_deadzone "0.0"
17:51:05 : uset i_device "di8"
17:51:05 : uset m_invert "0"
17:51:05 : uset m_sensitivity "0.33"
17:51:05 : uset m_filter "0"
17:51:05 : uset g_view_dist "1.0"
17:51:05 : Euro Truck Simulator init ver.1.3 (rev. 24412)
17:51:05 : [gl] ICD OpenGL driver detected.
17:51:05 : [gl] driver: RADEON 9550 x86/SSE2
17:51:05 : [gl] vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
17:51:05 : [gl] version: 2.0.4955 WinXP Release
17:51:05 : [gl] GL extensions: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_element_array GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_map_object_buffer GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_shader GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
17:51:05 : [gl] GL_max_texture_size: 2048
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multitexture'
17:51:05 : [gl] Sampler count: 8
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_program'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_compression'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_cube_map'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_combine'
17:51:05 : [gl] WGL extensions: WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_EXT_swap_control'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pixel_format'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pbuffer'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_render_texture'
17:51:05 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multisample'
17:51:06 : [gl] Detected support for 6x anti-aliasing.
17:51:06 : [gl] Detected support for 4x anti-aliasing.
17:51:06 : [gl] Detected support for 2x anti-aliasing.
17:51:06 : Rendering path available: GL1X
17:51:06 : Rendering path available: ARB1
17:51:06 : Rendering path available: R2XX
17:51:06 : Rendering path available: ARB2
17:51:06 : Rendering path available: GL2X
17:51:06 : [dx9] Direct3D9 detected.
17:51:06 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
17:51:06 : [dx9] Adapter #0: MSI RX9550SE T128 (ati2dvag.dll) [driver version:]
17:51:06 : Rendering path available: SM2X
17:51:06 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
17:51:06 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/dashboard.tobj)
17:51:06 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/vehicle_env.tobj)
17:51:06 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/generic_env.tobj)
17:51:06 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/water_env.tobj)
17:51:06 : [snd] select device (ds8)
17:51:06 : [ds8] Available device : Primärer Soundtreiber ().
17:51:06 : [ds8] Available device : Realtek AC97 Audio (ALCXWDM.SYS).
17:51:06 : [ds8] Initialization OK.
17:51:06 : [di8] Joystick/GamePad device: \bThrustmasterforce feedback wheel
17:51:06 : [di8] Error disabling joystick autocenter (error code: 0x80004001).
17:51:06 : g_ui_recache
17:51:06 : exit
17:51:07 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
17:51:07 : Loading city data ....
17:51:07 : Loading country data ....
17:51:07 : Loading cargo data ....
17:51:19 : game
17:51:19 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
17:51:20 : Loading resource server data ....
17:51:20 : Loading road data ....
17:51:20 : Loading terrain data ....
17:51:20 : Loading railing data ....
17:51:20 : Loading building data ....
17:51:20 : Loading model data ....
17:51:20 : Loading prefab data ....
17:51:20 : Loading sign data ....
17:51:20 : Loading traffic lights data ....
17:51:20 : Loading vegetation data ....
17:51:20 : Loading hinges data ....
17:51:20 : Loading stamp data ....
17:51:20 : Loading movers data ....
17:51:20 : Loading animated models ....
17:51:20 : Loading ferries ....
17:51:20 : Loading city data ....
17:51:20 : Loading cargo data ....
17:51:20 : Loading company data ....
17:51:20 : Loading country data ....
17:51:29 : Map successfully loaded ....
17:51:30 : Starting the saved game (/home/save/44) ...
17:51:45 : Creating save-game file (/home/save/1/game.sii) ...
17:55:02 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:02 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:02 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:02 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/69/b599f6.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif/eut.dif.a.asmooth.rfx, bias 0] (tx /model/vegetation/tree_west/spruces.tobj - <none>)
17:55:06 : Creating save-game file (/home/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:19 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:19 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:19 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/40/4d220b.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/lkwlog.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:26 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:26 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:26 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/65/1ae708.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trameri.tobj - <none>)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:55:29 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:55:29 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:55:29 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:06 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:06 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:06 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/1d/5f1e92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/dif_spec/eut.dif_spec.rfx, bias 0] (tx /vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/transinet.tobj - /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj)
17:56:20 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:20 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:20 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:20 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/69/598b69.mat - [fx /effect/eut/sky/, bias 0] (tx /model/skybox/sky_11-15_2.tobj - /model/skybox/clouds_15.tobj)
17:56:20 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
17:56:20 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
17:56:20 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
17:56:20 : [dx9] [render_item] 0 vtx/ 0 idx, mat /automat/08/08df92.mat - [fx /effect/eut/sky/, bias 0] (tx /model/skybox/sky_11-15_2.tobj - /model/skybox/clouds_15.tobj)
17:56:45 : [dx9] Failed to allocate vertex buffer of 1160064 bytes. [0x8876017c]
17:56:45 : .\dx9_buffer.cpp(110): ??0vertex_buffer_t@dx9@prism@@QAE@IQAVr_buffer_t@2@QAVdevice_t@12@@Z: Failed to allocate vertex buffer

Köcki's Skins :)
Mfg Köcki ;)


SCS - Junkie

  • »kk31« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer

Beiträge: 599

Danksagungen: 2124

  • Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 1. April 2012, 18:22

so wie ich das sehe, hast du hier einen reefer trailer drin, der nicht für dein ets geeignet ist, nimm mal die trailer raus und starte dann ein neues spiel.



  • »Köcki« ist männlich
  • »Köcki« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 80

Wohnort: Würzburg

Danksagungen: 88

  • Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 1. April 2012, 18:28

Ich hab 1nen Trailer drinnen den ich schon aufm alten PC drinne hatte.
Aber ich probiere es trotzdem ;)

Spoiler Spoiler

******** : log created on : Sunday April 01 2012 @ 18:29:18
18:29:18 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows XP (version 5.1) / Service Pack 3
18:29:18 : [sys] DirectX version :
18:29:18 : [cpu] GenuineIntel [ Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz] at ~3458MHz.
18:29:18 : [cpu] Features utilized: fpu cmov mmx sse sse2.
18:29:18 : [sys] using QPC / ACPI (PM Clock) timer (thread affinity: 0), frequency 3579545Hz
18:29:18 : physical memory detected (2096624K/1006532K)
18:29:18 : virtual memory detected (2097024K/2061308K)
18:29:18 : Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
18:29:18 : [zipfs] base.scs: mounted ok, 9452 entries [crc_0x89e9427f]
18:29:18 : [ufs] registered symlink from /custom_build/de_de to /
18:29:18 : [zipfs] <mem-addr-file>: mounted ok, 11 entries [crc_0xe4636951]
18:29:18 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator'.
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Anzeige actros.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Anzeige actros.scs: mounted ok, 3 entries [crc_0x75fe3488]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs: mounted ok, 43 entries [crc_0xfe919d0d]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flarepack_by_Samson_with_one_LED.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flarepack_by_Samson_with_one_LED.scs: mounted ok, 130 entries [crc_0xdd29eef2]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0xf2938c85]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/int_l.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/int_l.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0x1a333a8e]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs: mounted ok, 91 entries [crc_0x36637fa7]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs: mounted ok, 2 entries [crc_0xa3233350]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs: mounted ok, 261 entries [crc_0xc4845475]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs: mounted ok, 10948 entries [crc_0xaa9b9489]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/MST-DD-00-MB-Axor-ll-1836-LS-MTG.scs
18:29:18 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/MST-DD-00-MB-Axor-ll-1836-LS-MTG.scs: mounted ok, 79 entries [crc_0x29d41e6b]
18:29:18 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs
18:29:19 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs: mounted ok, 198 entries [crc_0x634f459f]
18:29:19 : exec /home/config.cfg
18:29:19 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
18:29:19 : uset g_minicon "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_console "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_trackir "1"
18:29:19 : uset g_developer "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_save_idx "1"
18:29:19 : uset g_mouse_control "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_steering_func_param "0.3"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_brake_dz "0.0"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_brake "1"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_ff_gain "1.0"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle_dz "0.0"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle "5"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_ff "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_combine "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_sens "0.61"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_dz "0.0"
18:29:19 : uset g_joy_axis_steer "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_tutorial "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_job_sort "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_gauges "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_mirrors "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_fatigue "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_police "1"
18:29:19 : uset g_subtitles "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_quality "1"
18:29:19 : uset g_reflection "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_atrans "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
18:29:19 : uset g_lang "de_de"
18:29:19 : uset g_colbox "0"
18:29:19 : uset r_gamma "1.0"
18:29:19 : uset r_path "21"
18:29:19 : uset r_msaa "4"
18:29:19 : uset r_fullscreen "0"
18:29:19 : uset r_mode "1280x768x32x0"
18:29:19 : uset r_device "dx9"
18:29:19 : uset r_driver "dx9"
18:29:19 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_fps "0"
18:29:19 : uset ds8_mix_channels "2"
18:29:19 : uset ds8_mix_depth "16"
18:29:19 : uset ds8_mix_rate "44100"
18:29:19 : uset ds8_reverse_stereo "0"
18:29:19 : uset s_acceleration "0"
18:29:19 : uset s_mix_channels "2"
18:29:19 : uset s_mix_depth "16"
18:29:19 : uset s_mix_rate "44100"
18:29:19 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
18:29:19 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
18:29:19 : uset s_sfx_volume "0.55"
18:29:19 : uset s_music_volume "0"
18:29:19 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
18:29:19 : uset s_device "ds8"
18:29:19 : uset r_vsync "1"
18:29:19 : uset r_quirks "0"
18:29:19 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.2"
18:29:19 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
18:29:19 : uset i_force_gain "1.0"
18:29:19 : uset i_feedback "1"
18:29:19 : uset i_joystick2 "-1"
18:29:19 : uset i_joystick1 "0"
18:29:19 : uset i_deadzone "0.0"
18:29:19 : uset i_device "di8"
18:29:19 : uset m_invert "0"
18:29:19 : uset m_sensitivity "0.33"
18:29:19 : uset m_filter "0"
18:29:19 : uset g_view_dist "1.0"
18:29:19 : Euro Truck Simulator init ver.1.3 (rev. 24412)
18:29:19 : [gl] ICD OpenGL driver detected.
18:29:19 : [gl] driver: RADEON 9550 x86/SSE2
18:29:19 : [gl] vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
18:29:19 : [gl] version: 2.0.4955 WinXP Release
18:29:19 : [gl] GL extensions: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_element_array GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_map_object_buffer GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_shader GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
18:29:19 : [gl] GL_max_texture_size: 2048
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multitexture'
18:29:19 : [gl] Sampler count: 8
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_program'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_compression'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_cube_map'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_combine'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_rectangle'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_transpose_matrix'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_program'
18:29:19 : [gl] Vertex attribute count: 32
18:29:19 : [gl] The attribute count limit clamped down to 16 from 32.
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_shader_objects'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_shader'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_fragment_shader'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_vertex_array_object'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_draw_buffers'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_blend_color'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_draw_range_elements'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_rescale_normal'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_secondary_color'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture3D'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_env_add'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic'
18:29:19 : [gl] Max anisotropy factor: 16
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_extensions_string'
18:29:19 : [gl] WGL extensions: WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_EXT_swap_control'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pixel_format'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pbuffer'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_render_texture'
18:29:19 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multisample'
18:29:19 : [gl] Detected support for 6x anti-aliasing.
18:29:19 : [gl] Detected support for 4x anti-aliasing.
18:29:19 : [gl] Detected support for 2x anti-aliasing.
18:29:19 : Rendering path available: GL1X
18:29:19 : Rendering path available: ARB1
18:29:19 : Rendering path available: R2XX
18:29:19 : Rendering path available: ARB2
18:29:19 : Rendering path available: GL2X
18:29:19 : [dx9] Direct3D9 detected.
18:29:19 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
18:29:19 : [dx9] Adapter #0: MSI RX9550SE T128 (ati2dvag.dll) [driver version:]
18:29:19 : Rendering path available: SM2X
18:29:19 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
18:29:19 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/dashboard.tobj)
18:29:19 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/vehicle_env.tobj)
18:29:19 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/generic_env.tobj)
18:29:19 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/water_env.tobj)
18:29:19 : [snd] select device (ds8)
18:29:19 : [ds8] Available device : Primärer Soundtreiber ().
18:29:19 : [ds8] Available device : Realtek AC97 Audio (ALCXWDM.SYS).
18:29:19 : [ds8] Initialization OK.
18:29:19 : [di8] Joystick/GamePad device: \bThrustmasterforce feedback wheel
18:29:19 : [di8] Error disabling joystick autocenter (error code: 0x80004001).
18:29:19 : g_ui_recache
18:29:19 : exit
18:29:20 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
18:29:20 : Loading city data ....
18:29:20 : Loading country data ....
18:29:20 : Loading cargo data ....
18:29:40 : game
18:29:41 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
18:29:41 : Loading resource server data ....
18:29:41 : Loading road data ....
18:29:41 : Loading terrain data ....
18:29:41 : Loading railing data ....
18:29:41 : Loading building data ....
18:29:41 : Loading model data ....
18:29:41 : Loading prefab data ....
18:29:41 : Loading sign data ....
18:29:41 : Loading traffic lights data ....
18:29:41 : Loading vegetation data ....
18:29:41 : Loading hinges data ....
18:29:41 : Loading stamp data ....
18:29:41 : Loading movers data ....
18:29:41 : Loading animated models ....
18:29:41 : Loading ferries ....
18:29:41 : Loading city data ....
18:29:41 : Loading cargo data ....
18:29:41 : Loading company data ....
18:29:41 : Loading country data ....
18:29:51 : Map successfully loaded ....
18:29:51 : Starting the campaign ...
18:33:08 : [dx9] Failed to allocate vertex buffer of 698544 bytes. [0x8876017c]
18:33:08 : .\dx9_buffer.cpp(110): ??0vertex_buffer_t@dx9@prism@@QAE@IQAVr_buffer_t@2@QAVdevice_t@12@@Z: Failed to allocate vertex buffer

Köcki's Skins :)
Mfg Köcki ;)



  • »Köcki« ist männlich
  • »Köcki« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 80

Wohnort: Würzburg

Danksagungen: 88

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 2. April 2012, 18:49

So, mitlerweile ETS neu installiert (mit CD) war ETS Gold Edition, habe dann gepachtet auf 1.2.
Jetzt bin ich ne weile gefahren ca. 10 min, an einer Ausfahrt von Brüssel vorbei und zack.
Wieder hat es sich beendet ohne Fehler meldung einfach so.
Hier die log datei, ist ziemlich lang!

Spoiler Spoiler

******** : log created on : Monday April 02 2012 @ 18:35:33
18:35:33 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows XP (version 5.1) / Service Pack 3
18:35:33 : [sys] DirectX version :
18:35:33 : [cpu] GenuineIntel [ Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz] at ~3457MHz.
18:35:33 : [cpu] Features utilized: fpu cmov mmx sse sse2.
18:35:33 : [sys] using QPC / ACPI (PM Clock) timer (thread affinity: 1), frequency 3579545Hz
18:35:33 : physical memory detected (2096624K/1672964K)
18:35:33 : virtual memory detected (2097024K/2061308K)
18:35:33 : Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
18:35:34 : [zipfs] base.scs: mounted ok, 9452 entries [crc_0x143d01ee]
18:35:34 : [ufs] registered symlink from /custom_build/de_de to /
18:35:34 : [zipfs] <mem-addr-file>: mounted ok, 11 entries [crc_0xe4636951]
18:35:34 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator'.
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Agrata_Kögel_Köcki_OLD.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Agrata_Kögel_Köcki_OLD.scs: mounted ok, 73 entries [crc_0x247520de]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Anzeige actros.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Anzeige actros.scs: mounted ok, 3 entries [crc_0x75fe3488]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs: mounted ok, 43 entries [crc_0xfe919d0d]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flarepack_by_Samson_with_one_LED.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flarepack_by_Samson_with_one_LED.scs: mounted ok, 130 entries [crc_0xdd29eef2]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0xf2938c85]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/int_l.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/int_l.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0x1a333a8e]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs: mounted ok, 91 entries [crc_0x36637fa7]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs: mounted ok, 2 entries [crc_0xa3233350]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs: mounted ok, 261 entries [crc_0xc4845475]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs: mounted ok, 10948 entries [crc_0xaa9b9489]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/MST-DD-00-MB-Axor-ll-1836-LS-MTG.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/MST-DD-00-MB-Axor-ll-1836-LS-MTG.scs: mounted ok, 79 entries [crc_0x29d41e6b]
18:35:34 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs
18:35:34 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs: mounted ok, 198 entries [crc_0x634f459f]
18:35:34 : exec /home/config.cfg
18:35:34 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
18:35:34 : uset g_minicon "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_console "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_trackir "1"
18:35:34 : uset g_developer "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_save_idx "2"
18:35:34 : uset g_mouse_control "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_steering_func_param "0.0"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_brake_dz "0.0"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_brake "7"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_ff_gain "1.0"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle_dz "0.0"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle "7"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_ff "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_combine "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_sens "0.6"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_dz "0.0"
18:35:34 : uset g_joy_axis_steer "7"
18:35:34 : uset g_tutorial "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_job_sort "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_gauges "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_mirrors "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_fatigue "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_police "1"
18:35:34 : uset g_subtitles "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_quality "1"
18:35:34 : uset g_reflection "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_atrans "1"
18:35:34 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
18:35:34 : uset g_lang "de_de"
18:35:34 : uset g_colbox "0"
18:35:34 : uset r_gamma "1.0"
18:35:34 : uset r_path "21"
18:35:34 : uset r_msaa "4"
18:35:34 : uset r_fullscreen "0"
18:35:34 : uset r_mode "1024x768x32x0"
18:35:34 : uset r_device "dx9"
18:35:34 : uset r_driver "dx9"
18:35:34 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_fps "0"
18:35:34 : uset ds8_mix_channels "2"
18:35:34 : uset ds8_mix_depth "16"
18:35:34 : uset ds8_mix_rate "44100"
18:35:34 : uset ds8_reverse_stereo "0"
18:35:34 : uset s_acceleration "0"
18:35:34 : uset s_mix_channels "2"
18:35:34 : uset s_mix_depth "16"
18:35:34 : uset s_mix_rate "44100"
18:35:34 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
18:35:34 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
18:35:34 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
18:35:34 : uset s_music_volume "1.0"
18:35:34 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
18:35:34 : uset s_device ""
18:35:34 : uset r_vsync "1"
18:35:34 : uset r_quirks "0"
18:35:34 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.2"
18:35:34 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
18:35:34 : uset i_force_gain "1.0"
18:35:34 : uset i_feedback "1"
18:35:34 : uset i_joystick2 "-1"
18:35:34 : uset i_joystick1 "-1"
18:35:34 : uset i_deadzone "0.0"
18:35:34 : uset i_device "di8"
18:35:34 : uset m_invert "0"
18:35:34 : uset m_sensitivity "0.33"
18:35:34 : uset m_filter "0"
18:35:34 : uset g_view_dist "1.0"
18:35:34 : Euro Truck Simulator init ver.1.2 (rev. 24099)
18:35:34 : [gl] ICD OpenGL driver detected.
18:35:34 : [gl] driver: RADEON 9550 x86/SSE2
18:35:34 : [gl] vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
18:35:34 : [gl] version: 2.0.4955 WinXP Release
18:35:34 : [gl] GL extensions: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_element_array GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_map_object_buffer GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_shader GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
18:35:34 : [gl] GL_max_texture_size: 2048
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multitexture'
18:35:34 : [gl] Sampler count: 8
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_program'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_compression'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_cube_map'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_combine'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_rectangle'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_transpose_matrix'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_program'
18:35:34 : [gl] Vertex attribute count: 32
18:35:34 : [gl] The attribute count limit clamped down to 16 from 32.
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_shader_objects'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_shader'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_fragment_shader'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_vertex_array_object'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_draw_buffers'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_blend_color'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_draw_range_elements'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_rescale_normal'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_secondary_color'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture3D'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_env_add'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic'
18:35:34 : [gl] Max anisotropy factor: 16
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_extensions_string'
18:35:34 : [gl] WGL extensions: WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_EXT_swap_control'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pixel_format'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pbuffer'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_render_texture'
18:35:34 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multisample'
18:35:34 : [gl] Detected support for 6x anti-aliasing.
18:35:34 : [gl] Detected support for 4x anti-aliasing.
18:35:34 : [gl] Detected support for 2x anti-aliasing.
18:35:34 : Rendering path available: GL1X
18:35:34 : Rendering path available: ARB1
18:35:34 : Rendering path available: R2XX
18:35:34 : Rendering path available: ARB2
18:35:34 : Rendering path available: GL2X
18:35:34 : [dx9] Direct3D9 detected.
18:35:34 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
18:35:34 : [dx9] Adapter #0: MSI RX9550SE T128 (ati2dvag.dll) [driver version:]
18:35:34 : Rendering path available: SM2X
18:35:34 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
18:35:34 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/dashboard.tobj)
18:35:34 : [snd] select device = NULL
18:35:34 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:34 : [di8] Joystick/GamePad device: \bThrustmasterforce feedback wheel
18:35:34 : [di8] Error disabling joystick autocenter (error code: 0x80004001).
18:35:35 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:35 : g_ui_recache
18:35:35 : exit
18:35:35 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:35 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
18:35:37 : Loading city data ....
18:35:37 : Loading country data ....
18:35:37 : Loading cargo data ....
18:35:37 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:37 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:37 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:37 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:37 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:37 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).
18:35:37 : [di8] Failed to acquire mouse (error code: 0x80070005).

18:35:53 : game
18:35:53 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
18:35:55 : Loading resource server data ....
18:35:55 : Loading road data ....
18:35:56 : Loading terrain data ....
18:35:56 : Loading railing data ....
18:35:56 : Loading building data ....
18:35:56 : Loading model data ....
18:35:59 : Loading prefab data ....
18:36:00 : Loading sign data ....
18:36:01 : Loading traffic lights data ....
18:36:01 : Loading vegetation data ....
18:36:01 : Loading hinges data ....
18:36:01 : Loading stamp data ....
18:36:01 : Loading movers data ....
18:36:02 : Loading animated models ....
18:36:02 : Loading ferries ....
18:36:02 : Loading city data ....
18:36:02 : Loading cargo data ....
18:36:02 : Loading company data ....
18:36:02 : Loading country data ....
18:36:11 : Map successfully loaded ....
18:36:12 : Starting the saved game (/home/save/2) ...
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
18:41:05 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
18:41:05 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
18:41:05 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().

Von den Rot Sätzen waren es ca. 250 000 stück!

Köcki's Skins :)
Mfg Köcki ;)


SCS - Junkie

  • »kk31« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer

Beiträge: 599

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Montag, 2. April 2012, 20:10

DirectX 9.29 Redistributable June 2010

DirectX Webinstaller 9.29 (April 2011)…r_13006648.html

solltest mal deine treiber aktualisieren. :crazy:

Es hat sich bereits 1 registrierter Benutzer bedankt.

Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:




  • »Köcki« ist männlich
  • »Köcki« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 80

Wohnort: Würzburg

Danksagungen: 88

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 2. April 2012, 20:22

Habe den PC erst neu Aufgesetzt :D
Hoffentlich klappt es.
Habe jetzt durchprobiert, wenn ich Schienes map raus habe läuft es.
auf OpenGL kann ich nicht stellen -.-

So klappt immernoch nicht.
Beides Installiert.

Spoiler Spoiler

******** : log created on : Monday April 02 2012 @ 20:25:38
20:25:38 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows XP (version 5.1) / Service Pack 3
20:25:38 : [sys] DirectX version :
20:25:38 : [cpu] GenuineIntel [ Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz] at ~3457MHz.
20:25:38 : [cpu] Features utilized: fpu cmov mmx sse sse2.
20:25:38 : [sys] using QPC / ACPI (PM Clock) timer (thread affinity: 1), frequency 3579545Hz
20:25:38 : physical memory detected (2096624K/1346724K)
20:25:38 : virtual memory detected (2097024K/2061308K)
20:25:38 : Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
20:25:38 : [zipfs] base.scs: mounted ok, 9452 entries [crc_0x143d01ee]
20:25:38 : [ufs] registered symlink from /custom_build/de_de to /
20:25:38 : [zipfs] <mem-addr-file>: mounted ok, 11 entries [crc_0xe4636951]
20:25:38 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator'.
20:25:38 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs
20:25:38 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_Wheels_from_GTS.scs: mounted ok, 43 entries [crc_0xfe919d0d]
20:25:38 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs
20:25:38 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/flares_by_newS.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0xf2938c85]
20:25:38 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs
20:25:38 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs: mounted ok, 91 entries [crc_0x36637fa7]
20:25:38 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs
20:25:38 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Map_New.scs: mounted ok, 2 entries [crc_0xa3233350]
20:25:38 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs
20:25:38 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_def.scs: mounted ok, 261 entries [crc_0xc4845475]
20:25:38 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs
20:25:38 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/map_zubehoer_model.scs: mounted ok, 11209 entries [crc_0xe3345feb]
20:25:38 : Mounting extra package: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs
20:25:38 : [zipfs] C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Robin/Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zzzZzzz_flarepack_for_GTS,ATS,UKTS,ETS_-_v1.xx.scs: mounted ok, 198 entries [crc_0x634f459f]
20:25:38 : exec /home/config.cfg
20:25:38 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
20:25:38 : uset g_minicon "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_console "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_trackir "1"
20:25:38 : uset g_developer "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_save_idx "2"
20:25:38 : uset g_mouse_control "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_steering_func_param "0.32"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_brake_dz "0.0"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_brake "1"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_ff_gain "1.0"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle_dz "0.0"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle "5"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_ff "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_combine "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_sens "1"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_dz "0.0"
20:25:38 : uset g_joy_axis_steer "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_tutorial "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_job_sort "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_gauges "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_mirrors "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_fatigue "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_police "1"
20:25:38 : uset g_subtitles "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_quality "1"
20:25:38 : uset g_reflection "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_atrans "1"
20:25:38 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
20:25:38 : uset g_lang "de_de"
20:25:38 : uset g_colbox "0"
20:25:38 : uset r_gamma "1.0"
20:25:38 : uset r_path "21"
20:25:38 : uset r_msaa "4"
20:25:38 : uset r_fullscreen "0"
20:25:38 : uset r_mode "1024x768x32x0"
20:25:38 : uset r_device "dx9"
20:25:38 : uset r_driver "dx9"
20:25:38 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_fps "0"
20:25:38 : uset ds8_mix_channels "2"
20:25:38 : uset ds8_mix_depth "16"
20:25:38 : uset ds8_mix_rate "44100"
20:25:38 : uset ds8_reverse_stereo "0"
20:25:38 : uset s_acceleration "0"
20:25:38 : uset s_mix_channels "2"
20:25:38 : uset s_mix_depth "16"
20:25:38 : uset s_mix_rate "44100"
20:25:38 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
20:25:38 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
20:25:38 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
20:25:38 : uset s_music_volume "1.0"
20:25:38 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
20:25:38 : uset s_device ""
20:25:38 : uset r_vsync "1"
20:25:38 : uset r_quirks "0"
20:25:38 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.2"
20:25:38 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
20:25:38 : uset i_force_gain "1.0"
20:25:38 : uset i_feedback "1"
20:25:38 : uset i_joystick2 "-1"
20:25:38 : uset i_joystick1 "0"
20:25:38 : uset i_deadzone "0.0"
20:25:38 : uset i_device "di8"
20:25:38 : uset m_invert "0"
20:25:38 : uset m_sensitivity "0.33"
20:25:38 : uset m_filter "0"
20:25:38 : uset g_view_dist "1.0"
20:25:38 : Euro Truck Simulator init ver.1.2 (rev. 24099)
20:25:38 : [gl] ICD OpenGL driver detected.
20:25:38 : [gl] driver: RADEON 9550 x86/SSE2
20:25:38 : [gl] vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
20:25:38 : [gl] version: 2.0.4955 WinXP Release
20:25:38 : [gl] GL extensions: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_element_array GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_map_object_buffer GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_shader GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
20:25:38 : [gl] GL_max_texture_size: 2048
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multitexture'
20:25:38 : [gl] Sampler count: 8
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_program'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_compression'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_cube_map'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_combine'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_rectangle'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_transpose_matrix'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_program'
20:25:38 : [gl] Vertex attribute count: 32
20:25:38 : [gl] The attribute count limit clamped down to 16 from 32.
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_shader_objects'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_shader'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_fragment_shader'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_vertex_array_object'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_draw_buffers'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_blend_color'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_draw_range_elements'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_rescale_normal'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_secondary_color'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture3D'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_env_add'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic'
20:25:38 : [gl] Max anisotropy factor: 16
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_extensions_string'
20:25:38 : [gl] WGL extensions: WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_EXT_swap_control'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pixel_format'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pbuffer'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_render_texture'
20:25:38 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multisample'
20:25:38 : [gl] Detected support for 6x anti-aliasing.
20:25:38 : [gl] Detected support for 4x anti-aliasing.
20:25:38 : [gl] Detected support for 2x anti-aliasing.
20:25:38 : Rendering path available: GL1X
20:25:38 : Rendering path available: ARB1
20:25:38 : Rendering path available: R2XX
20:25:38 : Rendering path available: ARB2
20:25:38 : Rendering path available: GL2X
20:25:38 : [dx9] Direct3D9 detected.
20:25:38 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
20:25:38 : [dx9] Adapter #0: MSI RX9550SE T128 (ati2dvag.dll) [driver version:]
20:25:38 : Rendering path available: SM2X
20:25:38 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
20:25:39 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/dashboard.tobj)
20:25:39 : [snd] select device = NULL
20:25:39 : [di8] Joystick/GamePad device: \bThrustmasterforce feedback wheel
20:25:39 : [di8] Error disabling joystick autocenter (error code: 0x80004001).
20:25:39 : g_ui_recache
20:25:39 : exit
20:25:39 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/model/flare/blaulicht.pmd)
20:25:39 : [ld] failed to open /model/flare/blaulicht.pmd
20:25:39 : [unit] File '/unit/hookup/tr_bluesax.sii', line 13:
20:25:39 : [unit] The requested value '/model/flare/blaulicht.pmd' of the attribute 'model_desc' of unit '.flare' (of type 'model_template') is out of the attribute domain.
20:25:39 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/model/flare/blaulicht.pmd)
20:25:39 : [ld] failed to open /model/flare/blaulicht.pmd
20:25:39 : [unit] File '/unit/hookup/tr_bluesay.sii', line 13:
20:25:39 : [unit] The requested value '/model/flare/blaulicht.pmd' of the attribute 'model_desc' of unit '.flare' (of type 'model_template') is out of the attribute domain.
20:25:39 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
20:25:39 : Loading city data ....
20:25:39 : Loading country data ....
20:25:39 : Loading cargo data ....
20:25:52 : game
20:25:52 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
20:25:53 : Loading resource server data ....
20:25:53 : Loading road data ....
20:25:53 : Loading terrain data ....
20:25:53 : Loading railing data ....
20:25:53 : Loading building data ....
20:25:53 : Loading model data ....
20:25:53 : Loading prefab data ....
20:25:53 : Loading sign data ....
20:25:53 : Loading traffic lights data ....
20:25:53 : Loading vegetation data ....
20:25:53 : Loading hinges data ....
20:25:53 : Loading stamp data ....
20:25:53 : Loading movers data ....
20:25:53 : Loading animated models ....
20:25:53 : Loading ferries ....
20:25:53 : Loading city data ....
20:25:53 : Loading cargo data ....
20:25:53 : Loading company data ....
20:25:53 : Loading country data ....
20:26:01 : Map successfully loaded ....
20:26:02 : Starting the campaign ...
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal1 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal1 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal7 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal7 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal7 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal7 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal7 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal7 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:04 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal3 hookup template!
20:26:23 : ui t console:system_02
20:26:23 : [ui] (t) console:system_02 could not be created/found
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:34 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:34 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:34 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:34 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:34 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : Cannot find flare.lamp.smal9 hookup template!
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:35 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:35 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:38 : Fixme: Texture hw handle invalid.
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create 2D texture. [0x8876017c]
20:26:38 : [dx9] Failed to create texture in hw_load().
20:26:47 : [dx9] Failed to allocate vertex buffer of 2318760 bytes. [0x8876017c]
20:26:47 : .\dx9_buffer.cpp(110): ??0vertex_buffer_t@dx9@prism@@QAE@IQAVr_buffer_t@2@QAVdevice_t@12@@Z: Failed to allocate vertex buffer

Edit by Lisa90: Beiträge zusammengefügt, da Doppelposts nicht gestattet sind. Forenregeln lesen!

Köcki's Skins :)
Mfg Köcki ;)

Harry Piel



Montag, 2. April 2012, 20:32

Versuche doch mal den letzten Patch zur Version 1.3 (Link: ) zu installieren.

Es hat sich bereits 1 registrierter Benutzer bedankt.

Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:



SCS - Junkie

  • »kk31« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer

Beiträge: 599

Danksagungen: 2124

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 2. April 2012, 20:42

Alle Treiber auf deinen Rechner sollten mal gemacht werden, deine Grafikkarte an erster Stelle.
Was die beiden Treiber im vorpost waren, ist beides das selbe, einmal als Download und einmal als Webinstaller.

ETS gepachtet auf 1.2. bringt dir garnichts, da die 1.1 version die der 1.3 entspricht.

Stell mal das Spiel auf DirectX oder OpenGL um.

nimm mal die beiden raus und teste nochmal:
LED-Pack v1[1].5.scs



  • »Köcki« ist männlich
  • »Köcki« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 80

Wohnort: Würzburg

Danksagungen: 88

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 2. April 2012, 21:22

Gesagt getan,
Auf OpenGL kann ich nur Minimaler Shader Qualität spielen, auf etwas anderem bringt er schon beim start eine Fehlermeldung.
Hier mal ein bild:

Köcki's Skins :)
Mfg Köcki ;)


SCS - Junkie

  • »kk31« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer

Beiträge: 599

Danksagungen: 2124

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 2. April 2012, 21:45


20:25:38 : [gl] driver: RADEON 9550 x86/SSE2
20:25:38 : [gl] vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

Ist wohl ein bissel alt das Teil?…adeon-9550.html…80&bih=831&bs=1

ATI macht halt immer probleme, der Artikel ist vom 27. Febr. 2006, das sind 6 Jahre schon her.^^

Hier mal ein Zitat:


suche einen Grafikkartentreiber für die Graka Ati Radeon 9550 / x1050 series. Klar, ich habe bei google gesucht, und auch gefunden, aber die bisherigen Treiber funzen zwar, aber machen kein Direct 3D mit.

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