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Romanian Map (W.I.P)

Antworten im Thema: 186 » Der letzte Beitrag (27. Juli 2015, 15:11) ist von andu4323.

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Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015, 08:30

What a pity that your is not compatible with the Promods let the PolenRebuild and RusMap.

The other Romania Map does not run with Promods / PolenRebuild & RusMap, let alone that these will only run until 1:16 Patch.



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Freitag, 26. Juni 2015, 08:42


just a short question. In wich scale did you build that map? Is it compatible with the Hungary map (Also standalone)

Spedition Hirsch


King of the Road

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Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, 14:13

1:ETS2. It extends the original map

Ihr habt Fragen zum Map-editor? KLICK



  • »andu4323« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015, 09:51

=== Romania Map by Andu Team ===

Version: 0.3a (Alpha)

Requirements: 1.18 version of game and DLC Going East .

Credits: Andu Team , Tz express(FLD for prefab models) , Frank007(Several Models) ,BlueTruck(Several Models)

===Information about map===

Careful: We released this version before when we have proposed because team leader (Andu) has some problems with the Internet in the coming weeks and few details are missing and some signs.

The map is in alpha stage and come updates with new roads and new cities.

Here's the current list of cities and roads that are on the map or in construction.

===Modification in 0.3a===

-New cities and roads
-New company in Oradea
-Many bugs resolved from last version

===Know Bugs in 0.3a===

-Lack of terrain and lack details in some areas
-The problem with starting the game in Oradea
-Lack the few signs

=== Contact ===

Facebook :

Enjoy and share this mod , do not re-upload please !

Links :

Video :

Download :
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :

EDIT: We launched a "Hot-Fix" that solves the problem with contour and positioning cities and roads, must add the new file in addition to the existing version 0.3A.…p_0.3a.rar.html

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »andu4323« (28. Juni 2015, 16:17)



  • »andu4323« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 14:11

Official pictures of step "Piatra Craiului" in Bihor county. In the days ahead we will post pictures of continue of county Cluj.


King of the Road

  • »Bluetruck« ist männlich
  • »Bluetruck« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer

Beiträge: 1 532

Wohnort: Bayern ^^

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Freitag, 17. Juli 2015, 16:15

Oh yeah :thumbsup:

Ihr habt Fragen zum Map-editor? KLICK



  • »andu4323« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 61

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Montag, 27. Juli 2015, 15:11

=== Romania Map by AnduTeam ===

Version: 0.3.1a (Alpha)

Requirements: 1.19 version of game and DLC Going East .

Credits: AnduTeam , Tz express(FLD for prefab models) , Frank007(Several Models)

===Information about map===

The map is in alpha stage and come updates with new roads and new cities.

===Modification in 0.3.1a===

-Many bugs resolved
-Compatibility with 1.19

===Know Bugs in 0.3.1a===

-Lack of terrain and lack details in some areas
-The problem with starting the game in Oradea

=== Contact ===

Facebook :

Enjoy and share this mod !

Download links:


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