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Pezzaioli_GTS Viehtrailer "converted by fsimon"!!
Hallo habe hier mal für einen User folgenden standalone Trailer für GTS 1.32
komplett mit eigener, neuer Ladung "Schweine" und allen dazugehörigen Dateien angepasst. Dürfen natürlich keine anderen standalone Trailer bereits vorhanden sein, sonst müssen die Dateien entsprechend umgeschrieben werden. Kann aber gut als Beispiel genommen werden, wie man es macht.
Außerdem wird die Ladung nun denn auch in deutsch angezeigt.
Hier der "Schweineexpress"
p.s.: läuft bei mir unter 1.32 einwandfrei
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for german truck Simulator
trailer & skins by HOTRACER
TK slx200 + exportation by KAMAZ
unzip & add the "gts_CHEREAU_FERRY_C.scs" into your gts/mod folder, as usual ...
edit your trailer storage and add this line :
@include "definition/ferryload.sii"
if you want to see the trailer in the traffic jam,
edit your trailer_traffic storage and add this line :
@include "definition/ferryload_traffic.sii"
Replaces the original cargo "frozen_food"
pmg locked, respect the autors, respect the community
ask for permission, easy & fast ...
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Base model: Mitza (reefer box), Al (chassis)
Assembling one from both models: Mr_Zer
All skins: Ivecorps
Add line in your file trailer_storage.sii
@include "definition/schwarz02.sii"
Add file grapes.sii (included in MOD) in folder
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR MOD NAME\def\cargo\
Add outgoing cargo in docks bcp;euroacres;eurogoodies;posped;lkwlog;stokes;
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.grapes
Add incoming cargos in docks as your wish
in_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.grapes
If you use translate mod, add units in
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR TRANSLATE MOD NAME\script\your language folder
cargo_description : cargo.desc.grapes
full_name: "Your translate"
short_name_line1: "Your translate"
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Es hat sich bereits 1 registrierter Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
Base model: Patryk (cargo box), Ventures (chassis)
Assembling one from both models: Mr_Zer
All skins: Ivecorps
Add line in your file trailer_storage.sii
@include "definition/jumbovan1.sii"
Add file mixed_load.sii (included in MOD) in folder
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR MOD NAME\def\cargo\
Add outgoing cargo in docks bcp;euroacres;eurogoodies;posped;lkwlog;stokes;
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\your Modname!.scs\def\company\
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.mixed_load
Add incoming cargos in docks as your wish
in_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.mixed_load
If you use translate mod, add units in
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR TRANSLATE MOD NAME\script\your language folder
cargo_description : cargo.desc.mixed_load
full_name: "Your translate"
short_name_line1: "Your translate"
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Author: Ventures
Assembling & new convert: Mr_Zer
Add line in your file trailer_storage.sii
@include "definition/jumbo_flat1.sii"
Add files wheels.sii, module.sii, silo.sii (included in MOD) in folder
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR MOD NAME\def\cargo\
Add outgoing cargo in docks posped;lkwlog;stokes;tradeaux;trameri;transinet,tree_et
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\your Modname!.scs\def\company\
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.silo
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.module
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.wheels
Add incoming cargos in docks as your wish
in_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.silo
in_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.module
in_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.wheels
If you use translate mod, add units in
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR TRANSLATE MOD NAME\script\your language folder
cargo_description : cargo.desc.module
full_name: "Your translate"
short_name_line1: "Your translate"
cargo_description : cargo.desc.wheels
full_name: "Your translate"
short_name_line1: "Your translate"
cargo_description : cargo.desc.silo
full_name: "Your translate"
short_name_line1: "Your translate"
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Jumbo 4 axel
Author: ????
Assembling & new convert: Mr_Zer
Wheels: assembling Mr_Zer
Add line in your file trailer_storage.sii
@include "definition/jumbo4axe.sii"
Add file bild_mach.sii (included in MOD) in folder
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR MOD NAME\def\cargo\
Add outgoing cargo in docks posped;lkwlog;stokes;tradeaux;trameri;transinet,euroacres, eurogoodies, bcp
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\your Modname!.scs\def\company\
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.bild_mach
Add incoming cargos in docks as your wish
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.bild_mach
If you use translate mod, add units in
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR TRANSLATE MOD NAME\script\your language folder
cargo_description : cargo.desc.bild_mach
full_name: "Translate"
short_name_line1: "Translate"
short_name_line2: "Translate"
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D-TEC Combi
Base model:Flexitrailer by Igor
Tankcontainer by Samson
Assembling & new convert: Mr_Zer
Wheels: assembling Mr_Zer
Add line in your file trailer_storage.sii
Tankcontainer by Samson
Skins: Nordich
@include "definition/combi220.sii"
Add file chemicals.sii (included in MOD) in folder
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR MOD NAME\def\cargo\
Add outgoing cargo in docks:
bcp,fcp,lkwlog,posped,stokes,nbfc,itcc, tradeaux,trameri,transinet,wgcc
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\your Modname!.scs\def\company\
out_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.chemicals
Add incoming cargos in docks as your wish
in_cargo[]: cargo.permanent.chemicals
Base model:Tarantino aka Quentin
Assembling & new convert: Mr_Zer
Skins: Ivecorps
Add line in your file trailer_storage.sii
@include "definition/chereauic.sii"
Add file fish.sii (included in MOD) in folder
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\YOUR MOD NAME\def\cargo\
Add outgoing cargo in docks:
bcp,lkwlog,posped,stokes, tradeaux,trameri,transinet,euroacres, eurogoodies
\my documents\German Truck Simulator\mod\your Modname!.scs\def\company\
Add incoming cargos in docks as your wish
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Euro Truck Simulator,Euro Truck Simulator 2,German Truck Simulator,Forum,Community,Downloads,Support,Euro Trucksimulator,Euro Trucksimulator 2,German Trucksimulator,Trucks,18 Wheels of Steel,Haulin,Convoy,Pttm,Long Haul,Trucksimulator,Trucksimulation,Truck Simulator,Simulation,ATS,Trucksim,Extreme Trucker 2,ETS,ETS2,GTS,UKTS,ET,ET2,18WoS,Tutorial,Tutorials,Tipp,Zmodeler,z3d,Modding,SCS,simulation,support, Zmod,z3d,Sk,Skins,Map,Maps,Mod,Mods,Trucksims,STD,Scania Truck Driving Simulator,Scania,ETS2Mods, Euro Trucksimulator2 Mods