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Neues von SCS
ETS2 Semi-trailers
Let's take a look at some of the new or re-worked trailer models next.
To be continued...
Posted by SCS Software
Also ich finde, dass sie wirklich gut gelungen sind.
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Ich sag mal so viel zu Grafikkarten. ich habe rund 4GB High Poly Mods und Harrys mit allen Add Ons in ATS.
Und ich komme teilweise auf keine flüssige Framerate von 30FPS.
EVGA GeForce GTX 580 (1536MB GDDR5 VRAM, OC @872MHz, 2050MHz Speichertakt)....
Achja. bei ETS / ATS bringen dir 4, 6 oder sogar 8 Kerne auch nichts. Das Spiel läuft eh nur über einen.
LG vom Hardwaremann
Hier mal wieder was neues zu ETS2
Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route
A little peak on what we are preparing regarding dangerous goods cargo and
ADR certification in Euro Truck Simulator 2...
Es wird also auch die Klassifizierung bei Gefahrguttransporten geben.
Es haben sich bereits 20 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
21Seconds, Actros Trucker, chloro, cyberevo, DAF_and_TGX, Dbpit, Die Simone, M.J., Man-Kutscher, MANFan11, Meas, Otte64, pit19169, Roadhunter, Sascha_koehn, Scania3008, SiNeD, Uweli, V8ScaniaFahrer, waschi74
Heute war ich mal wieder schneller.
ETS2 Company Management
Lots of effort of the Euro Truck Simulator 2 team has been spent on
making the management side of the game deeper and more meaningful. We
are building a driving game at the core of course, not a Human Resources
Management Simulator matching in detail what managers of real world
companies have cope with, but as you can see from the images, we made
quite some progress from our older games. There is still some
placeholder graphics used in these shots, but the design direction is
pretty clear.
Es haben sich bereits 28 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
21Seconds, Actros Trucker, BlueEyedDevil, chloro, coloniadenoche, DAF_and_TGX, Dbpit, hermes, Hom, Jart, Kevinico, KingScania, leandro, M.J., MANFan11, Meas, Papa77, pit19169, racingmichi, ReMo, Sascha_koehn, Scania3008, scheffi, Shifty263, SiNeD, waschi74, zeppelin3, ®eamonn™
Laut diesem Bild, wird wohl SCS immer noch nicht die Lizenzen haben für die Marken,
dann schätze ich mal die ganzen Logos werden wieder von den Trucks verschwinden.
Aber da ist ja noch Zeit, man wird es ja früh genug sehen dann.
Es haben sich bereits 10 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
Actros Trucker, coloniadenoche, DAF_and_TGX, Dbpit, Gibraltareño2, M.J., Meas, pit19169, SiNeD, waschi74
Mal wieder was neues von SCS
Gas stations again
In our quest to portray the individual parts of Europe covered by the game as realistically as possible, we are trying to bring real world brands into the game. Of course we know that truck brands are the most important for you, and rest assured that we are putting a lot of effort into trying to secure as many of them as possible, but the other building blocks of the game play an important role, too.
Gas stations are a very visible element of the game just as they are essential for any real driver. We think that finding recognizable names in the game would help the players consider our world a lot more believable.
With the help of our Polish publishing partner CD Projekt, we are now in the process of approaching
Orlen, one of the biggest refinery companies in Europe. Keep your fingers crossed that we can add another notional brick to the building of Euro Truck Simulator 2. The more such building blocks we can pile up, the higher importance the game will achieve in the eyes public and media, and the better our position for continuing to grow the game in the
You can help us here, too - when we show this YouTube clip to Orlen in a few days, it would be great if we could boast about a high number of views achieved quickly, and positive reception from our not-so-small hard core fan community. Would you like to have
Benzina and
Star gas stations in Poland, Czech Republic and Germany? Let us know!
What you will see in this movie is just a quick prototype, to present the potential of the game to feature the brands. In general whenever we can get a brand owner on our side, we are ready to give them dedicated attention to make sure they are comfortable with the detail and fidelity of their stuff as presented in the game world.…d&v=4mhopUhkFrw
Disclaimer: appearance of real world brands in the finished game is subject to approval of the respective trademark owners and was used solely for the purpose of presenting the potential look-like in the game.
Es haben sich bereits 14 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
Actros Trucker, coloniadenoche, DAF_and_TGX, Die Simone, king-man, KingScania, Meas, pit19169, Scania3008, Scania_Topline, scheffi, SiNeD, V8ScaniaFahrer, waschi74
Renault Premium sound recording session
We have put together a short making-of documentary from another truck sound recording session, this time recording the engine sounds (and more) of Renault Premium, kindly lent to us by Renault Trucks ČR.
We were very busy during the past two weeks - we only got around to finalizing this video now, when in fact the actual sound recording took place two weeks ago. As you can witness we had some good time, enjoying the first spell of Spring weather, and experiencing truck physics first-hand, too.
So viel in so Kurzer Zeit...
Aber gut geworden ( auch die anderen News.)
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Es haben sich bereits 12 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
Actros Trucker, coloniadenoche, DAF_and_TGX, Gibraltareño2, Meas, Papa77, pit19169, Scania3008, SiNeD, Uweli, V8ScaniaFahrer, waschi74
Thursday, April 5, 2012
There is more than just the macho side of truck driving
We are happy to show you a few pictures with our new driver!
Over time, quite a few readers of this blog expressed their wish to have both gender alternatives covered in our games, and at last we got around to be able to offer such an option.
The images above happen to be from a project that of course everybody already knows about due to massive leaks of information that should have not leaked, but such is life. We had to stay silent due to contractual limitations, probably perplexing you a bit with all the info circulating out there. Fortunately, finally next week we will have the green light to unveil it officially on our own communications channels as well.
Auch wenn es nicht direkt um ETS2 sondern um das andere Projekt geht habe ich es hier gepostet, hoffe das ist ok so.
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