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Soo, Problem scheint gelöst.
Alles werde ich hier nicht hinschreiben, nur soviel: man muss auf ein paar Besonderheiten achten, wenn man nicht verbundene Straßen in der Map-anzeigen lässt.
Auf Englisch hab ich's ein wenig ausführlicher:
Hm. As I said before, without the street between the two companys it works. And than i made a new Profil, and set as start City Nurnberg. And the first route was from euroacres to nurnberg. You see in the Pictures, there was no Connection. But it was generated a Navigation route; she started at the most near road to the Company.
I discovered a new Thing: The Problem doesn't seemed to be the streat
between, but also a not-connected street
in near of the Company. So: I can make a Company direct to a road (visible in ui-map map), or with a gap between. But it's not accepted to make a not connected, but in ui-map visible street, between road and Company. If this "Connection"street isn't visible in the ui-map, it works. A not connected road (visible in ui-map) can also be around of the Company, but the Company must be very near to a conneced street.
And, of course, the road mustn't be a one-way road or a road with two seperate lanes (eg. Highway)
But must be a further rule, but i didn't discovered it. I noted alle "rules", but when I put the Company to this Special place, it crashed.
Here you can see a Picture: The right Company works (no Crash), but if I want to build while the Company is in the middle Position, it crashs. but the street is connected correctly (AI drive correct)
EDIT: I made the road in near as None shown in ui-map...Now it works. The next step is to change the prefab-companies into individual companies. And there is also a thread I will study now in this Forum.
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