Lieber Besucher, herzlich willkommen bei: Trucksimulator24 - Die freundliche Trucksimulator Community rund um den Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Trucksimulator, German Truck Simulator, 18 Wheels of Steel Reihe, Extreme Trucker und den ZModeler..
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Volvo Kelsa Products by Aless[GTS]
Volvo FH Kelsa Edition by Alessandrodp for GTS
Base model by ??I do not know if you know give me PM)
Parts for tuning, by me
If you want to modify the truck, and put the necessary credits, thank you!
Softwares used:
-Zmodeler 2.1.1
-MS Paint
-Photoshop Elements 7
-Hex WorkShop
Special thanks: kinyangel [TruckStopEurope user]
Ersetzt den: volvo.fh16.a/b/c
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Volvo FH16 700
.::: Volvo FH16 400 ver.1.1:::.
> Authorship
- Authors: Conte, Dragoshel, Pszemek and Dadus, Donatdrive, Escape, Uciu/Krokodyl, Snaip, Samson, lonestranger, Ventyres87
- Alteration and assembly: proxsi (aka Sergey86RuS)
- The help: SeregAMironov, Elodar
> Where to establish?
All files with expansion *.scs to unpack in My documents/German Truck Simulator/mod.
> What as?
- Volvo FH16 700.scs - Ñòîêîâàÿ and qualitative model for German Truck Simulator
- Flarepack by Samson In GTS.scs - it is clear and without words. A flyer ïàê from Samson for GTS.
- LED-Pack v1 [1] .5.scs - LED pack (light-emitting diodes).
- lone_vovlo_kmh_only.scs - the real panel of devices for Volvo.
- Transmisson and Engine - Replaced me transfer numbers and capacity of the engine,
To approach dispersal to real. The machine now will not be will be dispersed as Formulas 1.
The limit of speed is limited up to 95 km/h. It is desirable to go on automatic to box.
- Physics - Physics to real (ESP - does not bring)
- Visor.scs - sun-protection trump
> What replaces?
Has been chosen Volvo b a class
> It is painted truck?
Yes, truck it is painted in service.
> Whether probably to continue alterations in ZModeler?
PMG it is closed.
> Whether there will be a continuation of data a fashion?
Probably, if there will be a desire.
5/28/2010 - 11/27/2010
.::: Copyright proxsi:::.
ATS_Volvo FH12 Tunning mit Flamingoskinn by Transar2011
Ersetzt ABC KLasse, getestet mit ATS1.32 + Mapserweiterung V2.9a-funzt 1A.
Farben nicht wählbär!
Müsste auch mit GTS 1.02 funktionieren ( Daluzi Volvo )
Ersetzt den: volvo.fh16.a,b,c
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VOLVO Arkema
Ersetzt den: volvo.fh16.a
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