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Mal wieder ein Standalone-Problem...

Antworten im Thema: 3 » Der letzte Beitrag (5. Dezember 2011, 15:36) ist von chloro.

Lieber Besucher, herzlich willkommen bei: Trucksimulator24 - Die freundliche Trucksimulator Community rund um den Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Trucksimulator, German Truck Simulator, 18 Wheels of Steel Reihe, Extreme Trucker und den ZModeler.. Falls dies Ihr erster Besuch auf dieser Seite ist, lesen Sie sich bitte die Hilfe durch. Dort wird Ihnen die Bedienung dieser Seite näher erläutert. Darüber hinaus sollten Sie sich registrieren, um alle Funktionen dieser Seite nutzen zu können. Benutzen Sie das Registrierungsformular, um sich zu registrieren oder informieren Sie sich ausführlich über den Registrierungsvorgang. Falls Sie sich bereits zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt registriert haben, können Sie sich hier anmelden.


Montag, 5. Dezember 2011, 13:23

Mal wieder ein Standalone-Problem...

Moin Leute,

Ich verzweifle beim Einfügen von Standalone-Trailern :(

Habe mir 2 Standalones geladen, und sie nach Anleitung bzw nach Videotutorial eingefügt. Beim Starten eines neuen Spiels lädt er dann eine ganze Weile, bis er sich auf einmal schliesst. Habe mir anschließend mal die Eurotrucks-Log angeschaut (siehe Spoiler), aber kann da nichts draus schießen, außer dass es ein grundsätzliches Problem zu sein scheint. Achso , vielleicht ist es noch hilfreich folgendes zu erwähnen: Ich spiele auf Version 1.3 und benutze die KfK-MixMap ( aus dem Downloadbereich hier)

Spoiler Spoiler

12:32:46 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
12:32:46 : Loading city data ....
12:32:46 : Loading country data ....
12:32:46 : Loading cargo data ....
12:32:46 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
12:32:46 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.291F.0070' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.f22_trailer0') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
12:32:46 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
12:32:46 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.f22_trailer0' looks like dangling pointer.
12:32:46 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii)
12:33:01 : game
12:33:01 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
12:33:01 : Loading resource server data ....
12:33:01 : Loading road data ....
12:33:01 : Loading terrain data ....
12:33:01 : Loading railing data ....
12:33:01 : Loading building data ....
12:33:01 : Loading model data ....
12:33:01 : Loading prefab data ....
12:33:01 : Loading sign data ....
12:33:01 : Loading traffic lights data ....
12:33:01 : Loading vegetation data ....
12:33:01 : Loading hinges data ....
12:33:01 : Loading stamp data ....
12:33:01 : Loading movers data ....
12:33:01 : Loading animated models ....
12:33:01 : Loading ferries ....
12:33:01 : Loading city data ....
12:33:01 : Loading cargo data ....
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.2941.0CE8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.f22_trailer0') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.f22_trailer0' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii)
12:33:01 : Loading company data ....
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.petrol') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.diesel') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.acid') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.chemicals') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.hchemicals') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.fertilizer') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.f22') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht0') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht1') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht2') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz1') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz2') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz3') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.coal') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.petrol') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.diesel') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.acid') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.chemicals') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.hchemicals') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.fertilizer') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.f22') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht0') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht1') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht2') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz1') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz2') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.bcp' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz3') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.coal' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.petrol' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.diesel' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.acid' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.chemicals' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.hchemicals' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.fertilizer' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.f22' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.yacht0' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.yacht1' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.yacht2' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.panz1' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.panz2' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.permanent.panz3' looks like dangling pointer.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.pipes') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.logs') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.coal') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.gravel') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.ore') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.potatoes') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.tomatoes') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.apples') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.oranges') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.sugar') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.frozen_food') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.tableware') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.electronics') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.clothes') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.petrol') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.diesel') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.tyres') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.carcomp') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.drymilk') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.cheese') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yogurt') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.icecream') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.medicals') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.f22') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht0') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht1') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.yacht2') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz1') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz2') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.panz3') in the attribute named 'out_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.pipes') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.logs') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.coal') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.gravel') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.ore') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.potatoes') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.tomatoes') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.apples') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.oranges') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.sugar') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.frozen_food') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.tableware') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.electronics') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.
12:33:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/company_storage.sii':
12:33:01 : [unit] The unit 'company.permanent.stokes' of type 'company_permanent' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.permanent.clothes') in the attribute named 'in_cargo'.

Und das geht dann immer so weiter...

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen, vielen Dank im Voraus :)

Gruß newbie



  • »chloro« ist männlich

Beiträge: 3 401

Wohnort: Ahlen (NRW); Apolle (TH)

OS: Win 7 64 Bit

Game: ETS/ Haulin und janz wenisch ETS2

GV: 1.22 sonstewas

Danksagungen: 12623

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 5. Dezember 2011, 13:33

du musst die storages in der map nutzen um die trailer anzupassen.
acuh den inhalt der company
in und out....

weiterhin ist auch gut zu wissen, dass ets nur eine storage und comapny ebenso cargo gennerlell zusätzlich lesen kann.
in diesem falle, die der map ;)

hoffe konnt dir weiterhelfen

mfg chloro
Spinn ich oder ist das absurd
(Dr.House; Staffel 2, Folge 1) :thumbsup:
Achtung Koffeiniker :this:

Scania 3er + 4er Serie, die Liebe meiner Jugend.

[Tipp] Eurotrucks-"LOG" posten
[Tipp] Germantrucks-"LOG" posten


Montag, 5. Dezember 2011, 14:42

Vielen vielen Dank chloro!
Endlich funktioniert es!!!




  • »chloro« ist männlich

Beiträge: 3 401

Wohnort: Ahlen (NRW); Apolle (TH)

OS: Win 7 64 Bit

Game: ETS/ Haulin und janz wenisch ETS2

GV: 1.22 sonstewas

Danksagungen: 12623

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 5. Dezember 2011, 15:36

danke für die rückmeldung ;)

mfg chloro
Spinn ich oder ist das absurd
(Dr.House; Staffel 2, Folge 1) :thumbsup:
Achtung Koffeiniker :this:

Scania 3er + 4er Serie, die Liebe meiner Jugend.

[Tipp] Eurotrucks-"LOG" posten
[Tipp] Germantrucks-"LOG" posten

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