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Map help wanted (several questions)
Hello everyone!
Since my German is not that great, I'd like some help in English please
Now I know some of the basics of map editing (at least, I can play my custom map), I've started to extend the map to the north to Denmark and make some minor changes in the Netherlands, but I came across a few problems when trying to make a map. So I have several questions to more experienced map editors:
1) How does one add new cities to the map? I can only add existing cities. For instance, I'd like to add Aalborg, Århus, Odense, København and the new ferry link Fehmarn-Rødby.
2) How do I make new overlays? I'd like to add some new road surfaces, marking variaties as well as new cities on signs. But so far, no luck. Even when I clone the TOBJ, MAT and DDS file and change their contents to refer to the corresponding files, the game doesn't seem to find them. Do I need to change another file? Do I need specific programs for that?
3) Are there other things I need to know? Does someone have tips and such on map editing?
To Add new cities you need the initial_save file that SCS had forgot
Here is the link:
On other way i can't help you sorry
just download the file and you can add then new cities
I already have that file, but how exactly does one add a new city with the files included?
hi maarten,
1) to add cities i need to figure out myself first
2) it is much better to create your own sign boards using zmodeler. this allows skinning of the sign very easily.
3) other tips: test your map often for errors, and bugs. also, you can use the coef textbox behind the vegetation list at the road properties screen to create a dense forest, which is very realistic
good luck and have fun
I tried ZModeler, but it can't import existing models (I like to see reference models first so I know a bit about naming things etc) with the demo version. Anyone has experience with registering ZModeler?
And I still don't know how to make new road types. I'd like to make marking variations for different countries. For instance, I'd like the roads in the Netherlands look like this:
Edit by Lisa90: Please no scaled pictures. Read the boardrules!
hello maarten,
indeed you cannot use zmodeler 3 without registering. You can use a trial license, however. it is told at the zmod forum how to get one. this will allow imports.
for the road i have only one option. adding roads isnt that difficult, it is only the problem with the lines on the roads. you can create a building model that will display these lines, and draw them onto an empty road. the only problem is, is that this is very hard if you havent used zmodeler before...
for now i'd just leave it at map editing using given models, since it will cost you way too much time before you have created the thing i mentioned above.
ETS2 Map Modding Frage
(Für die Deutsche Leute, Veruntschuldigung für mein Deutsch. Es ist ein Fremdsprache für mich)
Seit zwei Wochen bin ich mit map modding für ETS2 angefangen, und bisher geht es gut. Ich habe die TSM Map 1.2 angepasst; Ich habe die straßenleuchten angepast in verscheidenden Plätze in die Niederlände, Belgien und (Nord-)West Deutschland, ein große Umbau der Niederländische A15 bei Rotterdam gemacht, die A15 verlängert und jetzt mach ich ein neue Stadt, Arnhem. Aber ich habe ein Paar Problemen mit das machen von neue Städte und Schilderoverlays:
1. Wie macht man neue Städte? Ich habe die city.sii angepast und arnhem.sii zugefugt in meinen "custom/city" Ordner und eingepackt in meinen eigenem map SCS-Archiv. Trotz erscheint Arnhem nicht in der Liste der Städte. Fehlt etwas noch?
2. Ich kann auch kein neue Schilderoverlays machen. Ich habe ein DDS und TOBJ datei kopiert, Namen geändert und angepasst, aber kann ich es nicht aktivieren. Was müss ich noch mehr tun?
Ich hoffe das jemand mir helfen kann mit diese Problemen
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